Performative Art
Wood, acrylic paint, hardware
For the Puppets Amongus production of
Si Ling-Chi and Family
Papier mache, acrylic paint, wood, cloth
For the Puppets Amongus production of
The Silken Thread
photo by Jade Beall
Frida and Three Souls
Papier mache, acrylic paint, horse hair, wool, found objects and cloth
For the Puppets Amongus production of
El Sueño de Frida
Performed by Matt Cotten at the World Puppet Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan
photo by Jade Beall
Alice, The Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee
Papier mache, acrylic paint, natural fiber, cut paper, shadow installation
For the Puppets Amongus production of
Alice In Wonderland
photo by Jade Beall
Cardboard, shadow installation
Collaboration with Monica Silva for the production of
Octopus Heart: A Tale of the ER, Heartbreak and a Mollusk
Snake Mask
Papier mache and acrylic
For the Rogue Theatre’s production of
Naga Mandala
photo by Tim Fuller
Dradon Mask
Papier Mache and acrylic paint
For the Rogue Theatre’s production of
Journey to the West
photo by Tim Fuller
Three Buddhas
Papier mache, acrylic paint, cloth, pvc pipe, external backpack frame
For the Rogue Theatre’s production of
The Good Woman of Setzuan
photo by Tim Fuller
The Banker Mask and Hands
Papier mache, acrylic paint
For the Hang A Tale production of
The Little Prince
performed at Off Broadway at The Pearl Theatre
The Enchanted Ax
Acetate, lighting gels, ink
Collaboration with Chamber Lab for the production of
Leyendas y Sombras
Horse Hooves and Chicken Feet
Cut paper
Collaboration with Chamber Lab for the production of
Leyendas y Sombras